Hey Ya'll?
"Thanks for Stopping By!"
What will you find here?
Why I started this blog,
Who I am, and
What we might be chatting about in the future.
Why I started this blog?
So every year for my birthday I try o do something memorable, outside of my comfort zone. Well this year, I decided to do something I have been talking about for awhile now. This is definitely outside of my comfort zone for sure.
I enjoy talking and sharing information. I am always sharing the things that I learn with my family and friends, and they seem to find some value in this information and suggested that I share with more people, so here we are. Now I'm going to tell you alittle bit about me, and what we might be chatting about as we move forward.
So let's see how this goes.
Who Am I?
I am a Mom, AF Veteran, Crafter, DIYer, Traveler, and a Prepper and so much more. I enjoy learning new things, even at my age. I think we all should be "lifelong learners". I find pleasure in sharing the things that I find value in. I believe we should all share information to pass on the Knowledge we have, especially if it will benefit the next person in anyway.
We all can learn something from anyone, no matter who they are or their age.
Ok enough about me!
What we might be chatting about!
We will be chatting about any and everything, that will help you get prepared for Life's unexpected events. Hopefully, the information you find here will help you be a bit more prepared for whatever life throws at you.
So to Wrap this up!
I hope that you will find something that will make your preparedness journey a bit easier. I am truly excited that you chose to stop by.
I hope that you find something you can use here.
I do understand that everything here may not be for you, however you just might be able to share what you learn here with someone else.
My hope is that you will stop by often and bring a friend!
Thanks again for stopping by!